Epic content can produce epic conversions too

One mistake that I see many content marketers make is producing great content but not wanting to collect email signups right away.
They figure that if the content is good enough, the visitors will eventually think of it again and come back to read other content on the site. But it doesn’t usually work like that.
If you’ve blown away a visitor with your content: capitalize on it right away.
After consuming a useful guide or some other piece of content, most visitors will be happy to sign up for your email list. They aren’t going to get annoyed—you did just provide a ton of value to them after all.
If you take a close look at this guide, you’ll realize that it’s set up as a highly optimized lead generation source.
At the bottom of every single section, it has an opt-in form along with a brief pitch for signing up.
Despite that, it still got thousands of shares, and I’m sure it’s had hundreds of thousands of visitors.
The two main reasons this is epic: The first I already touched on—the formatting. When you make content look amazing, it stands out from ordinary blog posts. People value it more, just like they do paid content.
The second reason is the incredible value in the guide.
Ramit includes his techniques in the article (through text, images, and video), and he also includes multiple detailed case studies:
Case studies make anything more actionable because they help the reader think of the advice in practical terms.
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