Social media is part of our life and internet is the backbone of social media. Think, what we do before buying any electronic product? or What we do before going to any new place? or What we do for searching best real estate option? The answer to all these questions may same and that is “searching on internet”. It is very common to search product on the Internet that we want to buy. We search product on search engines, check their ratings, find out the best deal and then take our decision. Before going to any new place we find all the details about that place on the internet and most of the time take the help of Google map to reach there. Student can access internet to learn new things apart from their regular syllabus. Benefits of internet are countless. But what makes the internet so useful? Yes, the answer is “content”. Content is the king on the internet. Without content websites are just useless.
Having the website is very common for businesses. Website having useful information, videos, webinars, photos, etc. definitely attract users. With the advent use of internet marketing tactics are changing speedily. Old brick and mortar style were history. The internet and social media changed the face of marketing. All the methods of outbound marketing to convince people are now outdated. Instead of outbound marketing people and companies now believe in Inbound marketing. What is Inbound marketing? Is it a new fad that come for a few days and after some time get disappear? No, certainly not. Inbound marketing is all about creating data for the right people and at the right time. Yes, basic idea behind the inbound marketing is attracting people by creating content which they like to see. It not only attract customers, but keeps them coming back. Content can be in any form like blog, webinar, videos, photos, etc. through which you can aware people about your brand. By understanding the prospects requirements it is essential to upload proper content on proper media. There are so many social networking sites are there where you can upload your content. As people like to read fresh content, is it possible for you to update each and every social networking site regularly. The answer is certainly no. So it better to manage your content according to prospect’s interest. Before uploading content think about few questions.
- For whom I am going to upload content?
- What they expect from this content?
- Which is best social media network to convey information?
- Which area I am targeting? (If you are looking customers across the world.)
Plan for big event
Whether it is a big event or small meeting it is very important to plan in advance. It can be product launch, major projects commissioned or completed, video of celebrity interview, etc. According to event create targeted content that answers customers basic questions and needs. To avoid last-minute rush all these content must be created in advance. So that it can be used easily when the actual event occurs. While using social media for event planning make sure to use the hash tag wherever it is possible.This will make it easier for people seeking out information about the event and will also help to promote it through search engine optimization. Interacting with clients is an essential part in inbound marketing. As doing so can help to gather vital information about audience’s preferences and tastes, and will allow to customize an event accordingly. Interaction can be done using different platforms as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. This will help to a find group of people who all are interested in the same thing. Say for example, suppose you are planning a webinar to introduce your brand then be prepared with slide shows, posts and videos which you want to share with people. Be prepared for run time questions.
Use Themes
The nature and number of theme will be depends on how big an event is. Accordingly, one can decide major themes on the schedule, such as ‘one new menu launch every fortnight’, ‘one video post every week’ etc. It is not compulsory to post something new on everyday. It is better to design your pattern of post and follow that pattern.
Decide Schedule
One of the biggest challenges with forming an inbound marketing strategy is maintaining consistency. After selecting theme one can prepare detailed scheduling calendar for each individual event and activity. It may include scheduling blog posts, deployment of e-books, newsletters, presentations, info graphics, sending emails, etc.There are many scheduling tools available to help in delivering messages and alerts across social networks and computers. For content marketers and inbound marketers, content creation is crucial part of their work. From blogs to social media posts to email offers, there are often many of components to any inbound marketing campaign being created at the same time. The shear volume of content to be managed by these professionals on day-to-day basis. There are so many project management tools available in the market to help these professionals. Some tools which are used by experts are Hubspot, Feedly, BufferApp, Evernote, Mindjet, Piwik,Pocket, Call recorder, Hootsuit, WordPress, Awayfind etc. Hubspot’s content calender has great features. Multiple types of content such as blogs, social media posts, emails or nurturing campaigns can be easily managed by this calender. It has certain features which helps to stay organized such as
- Input each type of content needed
- You can allocate assignment to a team member to follow a schedule.
- Tracking lead for particular campaign is easy.
- It is easy to view content needs across the entire month to visualize what is planned in the coming days and weeks.
Hootsuite ‘s software is also having great features. Here you can manage all your social networks on a single dashboard. Also, you can upload, post to all the social media channels at one time only.
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